Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Within Every Mountain Climb Victories Are Won!

A mountain climb epitomizes a quest in search of reaching the top of its peak. In every climb their are victories to be won, triumphs to over come, unforeseen events to maneuver around and a mental commitment that needs to be established. Their is a reason why few people have been able to climb mountains all the way to its peak. The most detrimental blow lies in a lack of mental stability. Once you allow doubt to set in, fear to take over and confidence to subside your journey will end shortly after your march begins. Although some journey's are left incomplete each mountain climb taken is a success. Their are so many invaluable's to take from a person's will to fight through pain, fight through any road blocks along the way and fight against your will to not give up! In life every challenge in our lives is a mountain to climb in its own respects. Stay strong, fight every curve thrown your way and remember failure is never an option! Victory is not only in succeeding, but victory can be found in the manner of your approach. BELIEVE....

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