Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Thank you

A special thank you to all my current followers and visitors of this blog. Blogging is definitely a new experience for me. All the added support fuels my heart beat and energizes my soul. I'm hoping you all have enjoyed my blog so far. Blessings from me to you.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Puzzle Pieces....

Life is a compilation of puzzle pieces scattered throughout the world, country, state or city. As we grow into our adult life we search for puzzle pieces that connect to our individual journeys. These puzzle pieces accumulate over time and we are left with a blueprint of evidence gathered. As archaeologist of our own lives it is important to never lose sight of data attained, recognize puzzle pieces that do not fit our equation and use tactics to hurdle over road blocks. Life wasn't meant to be easy, but sometimes we are guilty of making our own lives harder when we fail to analyze ourself. I encourage myself all the time to remain confident, strong and believe that I'm only a few pieces away from creating my own masterpiece. A puzzle may only be a few pieces away from success to endure, happiness to follow, joy to appreciate and love to treasure. Each day allows us the opportunity to start our journey all over again. Keep your dreams alive and search for your puzzle pieces that will make you happy to assemble together. Destiny is the pursuit of happiness achieved!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Face Off

Their are moments in our life when we have to face ourselves in the mirror. We must be willing to accept our actions or inaction's in order to grow from every experience lived. Instead of allowing discouragement to settle in your heart or infiltrate your mind remember to push forward. Success is not only won on the battle field, but also won within every heart beat archived in our lifetime.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Within Every Mountain Climb Victories Are Won!

A mountain climb epitomizes a quest in search of reaching the top of its peak. In every climb their are victories to be won, triumphs to over come, unforeseen events to maneuver around and a mental commitment that needs to be established. Their is a reason why few people have been able to climb mountains all the way to its peak. The most detrimental blow lies in a lack of mental stability. Once you allow doubt to set in, fear to take over and confidence to subside your journey will end shortly after your march begins. Although some journey's are left incomplete each mountain climb taken is a success. Their are so many invaluable's to take from a person's will to fight through pain, fight through any road blocks along the way and fight against your will to not give up! In life every challenge in our lives is a mountain to climb in its own respects. Stay strong, fight every curve thrown your way and remember failure is never an option! Victory is not only in succeeding, but victory can be found in the manner of your approach. BELIEVE....